Creating Experiences with Their Own Identity

We are experts in creating unique and different experiences for each of our clients.
We have been doing this for 17 years with dedication, continuous training, professionalism, and a committed team focused on meeting and resolving the needs and tastes of our clients.


Meet Ana Rettberg Floral Design

Events at Home

Events at Home

We offer floral arrangement services for home celebrations, such as birthdays or other special occasions like baptisms, civil ceremonies, and more!

Bridal Bouquets

Bridal Bouquets

If you are getting married, we offer a set that includes a bouquet, headpiece, boutonnieres, and entourage for your wedding.



We offer a package that includes a headpiece or crown and table centerpieces.

Corporate Events

Corporate Events

We have a team to create installations, arrangements, or green walls for company parties, product presentations, or content events.



We organize workshops for team building, spring events, product presentations, or store inaugurations.



We work with the couple to create the ideal decor, based on their preferences and budget.


Who we are and how we work!

We know how to start organizing all the floral design pieces for your wedding and we also carry out all the wedding deco if need it, from the very first contact with the client. First, we design the initial idea together with the appropriate budget, and then we apply it to the event, considering every detail to ensure it is personalized and dedicated. We love what we do and are thrilled that you need us to do it! For this, we have excellent people and professionals who also love what they do. Together, we combine our strengths and expertise to achieve the final result, which is each unique event!


Spain mobile: +34691368794 | Argentina Cell: +5491158211036

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    Información básica sobre el tratamiento de datos personales:
    Responsable: Ana Clara Rettberg.
    Finalidad: responder tu comentario, duda o solicitud de información o presupuesto.
    Legitimación: mi interés legítimo, la aplicación de medidas precontractuales y tu consentimiento. Si marcas la casilla relativa a la recepción de comunicaciones comerciales, la base jurídica del tratamiento será tu consentimiento.
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    Derechos: acceso, rectificación, supresión, limitación del tratamiento, oposición, portabilidad, a no ser objeto de decisiones individuales automatizadas sin tu consentimiento y a presentar una reclamación ante una autoridad de control.
    Información adicional: En mi Política de Privacidad, encontrarás información adicional sobre la recopilación y el uso de tu información personal, así como de los derechos que tienes en relación con dichos datos.